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                    Aug Con. 59
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Sun 30 
R home to dinner. F down on lower place in morning. Mr & Mrs Via at Fs for day. stormy & showers most of day. folks fishing.
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Mon 31 
rainy most of day. N didnt work. F to Gathersburg for machine with Mr Cross gone most of day. Frank to B.W. & t.B. man to look at Buldozer 
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                    September, 1, 1959
                                |  E

Tues 1
got tank of gas for stove. unloaded hay in morn. N worked counted tob sticks & worked rose bushes. R helped F all day. Franklin got his new tractor. got rid of Buldozer. hot & cloudy most of day. R out at night 
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Wed 2 
N worked part of day on rose bushes & then went to help Jack Dyson cut tob. F worked on wagon most of day. he took A to Drs in aft. R took 6 bales of hay to Southern Sts & cut hay in aft. helped F in morn. F with Franklin Tippet in morn to see about the line on place, hot rain & storm last night  
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Thurs 3 
F N + another coon down to parkers all day cutting & getting in tob. R not feeling well. F to Frank Wards in aft & to store. R to fire house 
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Fri 4 
F finished cutting tob on Parkers place, Frank to B.W & Bank in morn. R helped F in aft. F took Adina to Hospital in aft nice day. Franklins baby boy was born 9.10 
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Sat 5  
raked up hay & got it in in aft F got his big plows in morn. R to Waldorf F to Garners to do dealing in morn. I with F & Mr Via in town at night to see Adina & baby. nice day. R out at night.
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