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                    Sep Con 59
                               |  E

Sun 20 
R didnt come home today. F to church in morn & with Franklin Mr Via Milton & Bourne to fair in Malboro in aft. Grace & fam in aft & to supper. 
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Mon 21
Franklin picked corn all day & dryed it at night. R took it to Baltimore at night. F cut hay over on place in morn & raked up hay over in back field in aft. warmer R took truck to F.W.  men got straw 
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Tues 22 
raked up baled hay & got it in. picked corn dryed it & R took a load to Baltimore at night. F and R to F.W. about night for Rs truck. men got straw. men got gas for stove 
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Wed 23 
man got straw for road all day. baled & got in hay in aft. picked & got in corn in aft. nice day. 
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Thurs 24 
dryed & loaded some corn in morn & took everything down to Robinsons in aft. picked some corn down there & R took a load to Balto at night Frank to B.W. in morn & again in aft & Waldorf gone till 8 oclock hot & high.  chick [[checks?]] for today 
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Fri 25 
F to Jack Dyson in morn. & picked corn & dryed it in aft. R took a load to Balto at night. F F & R baled & got in hay also in aft. Brandt in aft. nice day but dry. 
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Sat 26 
picked & dryed corn all day. F to Hicks & Dysons in morn & to Waldorf in aft gone till 730 high & hot. R out at night. Mr & Mrs Conner in aft Cecil Laddie & Ellises. & man for hay. chick check for today 
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