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                 Nov Continued 59.
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Mon 30 
F & F & Noris to Marlboro in morn. N brought in some wood. F & R fanned out soy beans & sacked them ready for market also loaded them on truck. F & I to see Margaret & Pattie in aft cold & windy R out at night.
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                  December 1st. 1959.
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Tues 1
R took soy beans to Baltimore in morn & brought back fertilizer. Mrs Via Adina & I to Sears Roebuck & Giant in morn. Coon digging ditch for R all day. nice day warmer (got gas for stove - 1)
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Wed 2 
F & R delivered hay to Andrews all day long. Man digging on ditch. Brandt in afternoon. F took wheat to mill in St Marys in morning gone all day long. got home about 6 oclock. hot
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Thurs 3 
Mrs Conner & Tim in morn. Tim to town all day here to supper & back to Conners at night. F delivered hay to Andrews all day R moved Jerry Hyde gone all day & out at night. Gnt & Florence here to dinner nice day. F to Dysons in aft
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Fri 4 
R went to forestville & got blocks & cement for drain field in morn. Frank to Waldorf gone most of day. [[underline]]hot[[/underline]]. Robert, Mae & Helen in aft. nice day. Buddie Cook got hay. Franklin took Tim to [[Mion?]] Station at night to get a train to Charleston.
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Sat 5
R moved Pickles gone all day. F over on Washington place all day seveying land. F to town in morn & to Jack Dysons in aft. nice day.
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