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             December Con 59
                           |  E

Sun 6 
cloudy all day rain about night & at night. F & A to Church. R out in morn & aft. F out to get paper. Cecil for Cattaily.
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Mon 7 
F with Mr Via to sell hogs over on Eastern shore gone most of day. R worked on ditch & out in aft. heavy rain last night. much colder today. I with Adina to take baby to Dr in aft
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Tues 8 
F & R down fixing house on Katies place today. F took wood to Sims in morning. N put wood on porch today. nice day but cold & windy. Mr Underwood Jack Dyson at night. R out at night.
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Wed 9 
F & R worked on house all day long. Frank down on place in morning. R out at night. nice day.
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Thurs 10
F & R worked on house all day. F to Waldorf gone all day long hot & high. home about 5 oc Adina to Sears Roebuck &c. nice day.
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Fri 11
F & R worked on house all day. F to BW in morning & out again in aft. R out at night. Adina to Clinton drug store. nice day.
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Sat 12
rain last night & all day today & still raining
at night. F hauled tob all day with Jack Dyson. F to BW. in morning to do dealing. & to Dysons in aft. R out most of day.
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Sun 13
Kent Doris & boys in aft. Dick Loucile & children about night. colder & windy. Franklin & Adina to church.
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Mon 14
F & R worked on house all day. nice day Margaret took me in town in aft.
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Tues 15
Franklin to Marlboro in morn. R worked on house all day F in aft. F to BW & T.B. Adina down home in aft. I baby sit. R out at night. nice day.
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