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          December Con. 59.

                           |  E

Wed 16
F & R worked on house all day. Margaret brought Aunt Pattie down here for day & came for her about night. F out in morn. R out at night 
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Thurs 17
F worked on house all day. R helped put up & deckerate tree at fire house. Gnt & Florence for dinner. Frank to Waldorf gone all day [[underline]]high[[/underline]]. R out at night. F & A in town dealing at night.
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Fri 18
F with Jack Dyson hauling tob all day. rain last night & all day today. R out most of day. Frank down to Burroughs in morning to give money for Cross for Preacher. A and Mrs Via & baby to town in morn. & A in town in aft.
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Sat 19
F stripped tob 1/2 day at Dysons. & he and R got holly and crows foot for Adina. West Pointer and son & friend gunning. Holiday Early in aft. drunk. F made him mad. R out most of day and again at night. Mary Tim & Timmie at night.
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Sun 20
F & A to church & to Vias for day. Mary Tim & T down to Conners for day. R out in morn. F over on Washigton place in morning. R out at night
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Mon 21 
F & R worked on house all day. Conners down to Conners in morn & aft. F and I over home in aft. F & R down to Robinsons at night. snow at night cold
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Tues 22 
F & R worked on house in aft. F & F to Turner Robinsons funeral in morning. Conners to Conners &c. Mae & Robert for day.
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Wed 23 
F & A to town in morn. Mary Tim Timmie & I to town in aft. R out most of day much colder. R out at night
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Transcription Notes:
Gnt is short for Gantt