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                Jan Con 60
                            |  E

Sun 24
Mary Tim & Timmie to church & here to dinner. Milton & Bourne in aft. Nice day but cold & windy. R out in aft & night.
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Mon 25 
F & R worked on house down to Dr Badens all day. cold. Frank to P.O. & store in aft. he is not so well. R out at night.
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Tues 26
N brought wood in. F & R worked on house. R took wood to Sims in aft. Mary Tim & Timmie at night. Tim to Lions Club meeting at night.
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Wed 27 
boys got wood in morn & worked on house in aft. Brandt in aft Joe Duley in aft. rain in aft & night.
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Thurs 28
F took down tob most of day. cloudy all day men stripped tob. R to fire house most of day and out at night Margaret in aft for few minutes.
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Fri 29
men stripped tob all day. F got some from over on place. R & I up to see Mary in morning & baby sit in aft while F & A dealing. R out at night
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Sat 30
F R & Mr Via to Mt Airy to sale gone all day. men stripped tob 1/2 day. F to Waldorf n aft got home after 6. high & hot Mary Tim & Timmie in aft. Mr
Barry for hay. R out at night.
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Sun 31
R to Mt Airy in truck for machinery in morn got home in aft. Mary & fam for day. all of us up to see
Margaret & fam in aft. Much colder & windy. R out at
                            |  5

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