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[[circled]] 683 [[/circled]]
For Prize Contest

What Burpee seeds have done for me
My mothers garden was a wonder never a failure and my husband's was if possible better, but I knew nothing of gardening. My mother and husband consulted together a great deal about thier gardens. Then husband and soon Mother were called to their long home. I was left with three little boys. The first year I had no garden. Then I went to the grocery and purchased seeds. Results a few sickly plants the next year nothing better. I was completely discouraged I did not know what to do. Suddenly there came to my mind my Mother. She was just placing in an envelope an answer to a puzzle. It was a picture of a Burr and an opening pod of peas. Then I knew. Soon I secured a good supply of Burpee's seed that grow. [[stamped]] JUL 28 1924 [[/stamped]] Now my gardening is a success and from those seeds I have helped make a living for my family. also they have brought encouragement, health and pleasure. The secret of those other gardens were Mother purchased the seeds for both gardens and she bought Burpees Seeds that grow.

Mrs. Ora Emptage
Upper Sandusky, Ohio

July 18th 1924,  R.L.

Transcription Notes:
from the instructions: Type what you see Our main goal is to create text that mirrors this document. @siobhanleachman:- as the circled and stamped numbers are later additions by Burpees staff I've moved them to the top of the transcription. This is incorrect, Siobhan. Read the instructions. They want a mirror image of the document. Do not rearrange text.