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[[circled]] 698 [[/circled]]
[[stamped] JUL 24 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest

Joller Ia., July, 21./24
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
What Burpee's Seeds have done for me in an unfavorable year. First, Did they make a 100% germination under adverse conditions? They did not. But hold on. Can you blame Burpee? One package of watermelon seed from a reputable seed house N- K- Co registered zero in stand. From Burpee 621 Perfection I got a 50% stand. From No 588 Burpee Ford hook Early. I got a 70% Stand. The last proved true to promise - tested for vitality

Transcription Notes:
[[end page]] and [[start page]] are only necessary when there are two pages in an image. So it's not really needed here. Hope this helps. @siobhanleachman:- I've received a reply from TC via twitter @transcribesi about this issue. They say "YES put No./Date at top or bottom (sep from txt) - AAG wants this text searchable BUT we also want coherence of letter"