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[[For Prize Contest.]]

I raise vegetables for pleasure. Its my hobby. My wife raises flowers for the same reasons. After the Holidays we receive Burpee's Seed Catalogue. It is taken from the postman with pleasure and delight. Household duties are neglected and popular fiction laid aside until its contents are examined, specimens admired and a list made for an "EARLY ORDER". When the seeds are planted we never doubt that they will be "SEEDS THAT GROW". The plants first appearance gives us pleasure. Their steady, sturdy growth to maturity gives more pleasure and when our friends from the nearby City visit us we send them home with some fine fresh vegetables and flowers. Thus through their appreciation we derive more pleasure from the pleasureable work of producing them. 
  Our ancestors were tillers of the soil, therefore our love for the "feel" and "smell" of Mother Earth is hereditary. Numerous times when the merciless heat of the summer sun has laid our plants low we have sworn off but when Burpee's new Catalogue came all was forgotten. 
  We shall continue to plant
                            SEEDS THAT GROW
and avail ourselves of SERVICE THAT GRATIFIES.