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[[circled]] 719 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] JUL 25 1924 [[/stamped]]

Huntersville N. Car
July 21[[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Seed growers

For Prize Contest.
   The farmer of the South are fast awaking to the fact that time is money.
   When one has put the soil in the best condition, he wants the best results possible  he must have seed he can depend on.
   W. Atlee Burpee Co have helped me to plant, more [[underline]] Economically [[/underline]] than any other seed I have ever used.
   I can plant, for a stand, at the beginning. can depend on them. for Burpees seeds grow.
They give the best results, for they are true to their descriptions 
   I know what I will have in my garden, when I plant their seed.
Mrs Hal McDonald.
N. Car
R.F.D. 20.

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman:- I've received a reply from TC via twitter @transcribesi about this issue. They say "YES put No./Date at top or bottom (sep from txt) - AAG wants this text searchable BUT we also want coherence of letter" transcribe as written, don't rearrange the page.