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[[circled]] 3817 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] JUL 31 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest 
What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me. 
February the snow lies deep, cold blow the winds, but in a warm and cozy home one dreams of garden's. In fancy I see my perennial border. Tall Hollyhocks swaying in the breeze, statley Delphiniums banked by the smaller perennials too numerous to mention. I plan my annual beds. Sweet Peas, Asters, to greet me as I walk along the path. 

In fancy I see bee's flitting among the snapdragon's, open them and disappear within to seek the sweet nectar that is concealed there. At last arrives "Burpee's Annual. What choosing of seeds those delicious Tomatoes, Cucumbers, etc. that greet the eye. Burpee's Golden Bantam Corn give visions of boiled cobs with fresh golden Butter. 

At last the seeds arrive, spring is here, and one hurry's to bury them in old Mother Earth, knowing that Burpee's Seeds grow. 

Summer our dreams have come true, each and every one, Burpee's Seeds [[underlined]] are [[/underlined]] the best.