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[[circled]] 3829 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG-1 1924 [[/stamped]]

Route # 3. Box - 192.
Roanoke, Virginia

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,

I have been using your seeds for ten years, especially the Sunny Brook Early Anna tomato seeds. We have great success with them. I have sold as high as twelve hundred dollars from one acre. Some people wander why. It is only the Burpee's good seeds. We would never sow any other early tomato seeds but the Sunny Brook Early Anna. I advise any one to try them just once and see for themselves.

Thanking you for your good seeds.
(signed) Mr. L. S. Shepherd.

I saw in your spring catalogue you were offering a prise for some pieces that were written on some of your seeds we had had experience with. I have written above for that purpose. Hoping to win one of the prises.