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[[circled]] 3836 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG -1 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest

Alma Ill
July 29 - 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co,
Philadelphia, Pa,.

Dear Sir:-
I have grown Burpee seed both for pleasure and for profit, and know that they can not be equalled.

Burpee flower seed certainly are great for producing strong plants and large flowers. It is great to watch the development of the buds.

Burpee's Giant Four Oclock can not be equaled any where. They produce such large flowers and are the most wonderful colors. All my neighbors asked where I got such large Four Oclocks.

I have for several years grown Lima beans for profit. As many as several thousand hills for shipping purposes and have never had a