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[[circled]] ^[[3840]] [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG -1 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.

Working Magic With Burpee's Seeds.

When we purchased our home some years ago, real estate was at a premium, we were therefore forced to make a choice which at first view did not appear very desirable.  It is a fair sized lot with the house facing the road in the northwest corner bounded by ugly garages, a dairy plant and stonewalls.  In spite of the handicap of shade and drainage, with the help of Burpee seeds and advice we have achieved a houselot which is the envy of passers' by.

Two trees, an apple and cherry serve as screen for the garage and dairy, under these where it was too damp and shady for grass we planted blue violets, in the spring this is a mass of deep blue blossoms.  To hide the walls we made a wire trellis, clematis vines and bittersweet willsoon have it covered; woodbine tucked into the crevices of the wall wherever possible have worked their way nearly the entire length of the wall.  Between this and the cement walk is a strip of land about five feet wide, this grassed with the mixture for shady land has made a nice, green lawn.

But between the house and the walk is our masterpiece, a strip of land about three feet wide and twenty feet long, "intensive gardening" is the watchword!  We have blossoms here from early spring to late fall. The ealiest flowers are the daffodil, poet narcissus and bearded iris, followed by varying degrees of red in the bleeding-heart poppy, peonies, sweet-william and dwarf rose.  Yellow is the next color with calandulas, California poppies and feverfew, this is followed by the tiger lilies and phlox and the tall English daisies finish the season. By placing the taller varieties in back, next to the house and the others in front they all manage to get enough sunlight and water. The annuals are of course subject to change, each spring we look eagerly through our copy of Burpee's to find something to add to our color-scheme, one year it was snapdragon, another year asters.

Burpee's has been a great help to us, it changed a sandy, ugly spot with a house on it, into a delightfully green, cool-looking lot with a home, and the "riot of color" so desired by modern artists is certainly ours!


Miss Lillian Phaneuf
90 Rumford St. Concord,N.H.

(The enclosed pictures will show you somewhat the appearance now, sorry I have none taken "before", it was too ugly to take then!)