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[[circled]] 3862 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG-4 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.
Hinsdale Ill.
July 31 [[superscript]][[underlined]] st [[/underlined]][[/superscript]] 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co:

Dear Sirs:-
In regard to your Prize contest offer, on what Burpees seeds have done for me, will say they have done a great deal.
They all seem to come up fine and, keep growing after they are up.  We have an abundance of green beans, tomatoes, Golden Bantam corn, and many other things each year.
Our neighbors are continually remarking about what a wonderful garden we always have, not only that, but I enjoy working in the garden in the evening.  My Husband enjoys it x [[insertion]] much [[/insertion]] more than I do.  We have plenty of vegetables for canning each year and some times some to sell. 
We have tomatoes ahead of any, I have saw or heard of this year.
Our wax beans are hard to beat.
On the whole, Burpees Seeds have provided us with a great deal of both pleasure and profit.
Your Truly
Mrs. Rex Jeffers
c/o Sanitarium Hinsdale Ill.