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[[circled]] 3900 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG -5 1924 [[/stamped]]


Brother Farmers:

Who of you can support eighteen cows, some young cattle, two hundred hens all the year and many young chickens for market on thirty acres of land with W. Atlee Burpee backing you? His clovers, grass seeds, alfalfa, field corn, field peas, vetch, oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, sunflowers, mangels, turnips,
rutabagas, beets, cabbages, etc. Burpee's seeds grow if they are planted and cultivated with ordinary care. His prompt delivery gets everything to your hand at the proper time if you are wise in giving your orders. This intensive farming necessitates a continual planting at intervals of much green food so that the seed man is not forgotten for a day. The hundreds of bushels of roots, the thousands of early and late cabbage, the several cuttings and curing of alfalfa for both cattle and chickens all keep the farmer on his job, [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^[[H]] [[/insertion]]ere a large farm provides pasture land the cattle and poultry are greatly benefitted by the green food so easily supplied from the Burpee seeds making the farm profits twice what they would be without this e^[[x]]tra food. 
  Try it brothers, Burpee will help you. 

[[signature]]W.S. Huslander
Troy Pa[[/signature]]