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40 May 27th 1890. Tuesday. This morning for a change we took a carriage and drove to the Bon Marcher. I bought a parasol for Tilly. It is very nice and looks much more expensive than it really is. This afternoon we decided to go to the Jardin d'Aclimatation, and as the boys wanted to go also, we took two cabs and drove there. I enjoyed the drive very much. When once out of Paris the trees and country are lovely, and as fresh as though you were a long ways off. We took the little car, with two seats back to back [[end page]] [[start page]] 41 drawn by a horse, and drove through many trees, by a pretty little lake covered with swans, to the stopping place. Then we got out and walked about to see the aminals. The boys had a ride on the elephant, and after looking some more at the dogs sea lions etc. we took the tramway back. It was a much longer ride than coming and through the woods. The trees around us, made me think of Newport and our farm where I use to drive. Fraulein and myself walked home, and it was a very long walk, but as we had driven in the morning it was not tiring, but very agreeable. [[end page]]
Transcription Notes:
Bon Marche ~! department store.
Jarden d'acclimathtion is a park and zoo.
TC does not want transcribers to insert interpolations of correct spelling. Just transcribe what is there.