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afternoon with Madame. 
We took it easy going out, as you have to with Rox, and spent about an hour there. The cows, calf etc. seem to be prospering, and the farm is in a fine state. Madame was quite enchanted with it and declaired she had never seen such a nice farm before. 
Willie P. came to spend yesterday afternoon with Alfred and as it was raining I played a little with them. Willie is so funny, he made eyes & will be the greatest flirt I have ever known. (He is pretty much of a one already.)
Sybil drove with me once this week, and I like her
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more and more everytime I see her. She is original, sweet and unaffected now, so she really could hardly be nicer. She is almost the only girl Mama likes me to go with, and certainly the only one I care to as I cannot go with the older girls.
In my drive with Madame she told me that her husband had seen me although I did not see him. It was on Easter they had been talking of me, [[underlined]] he [[/underlined]] said he [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] see me, so Madame told him where I might be found. He walked and saw me and was perfectly satisfied.