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August 10th. 1890, Sunday.
There was another hunt Monday this week, and Cornie, Alfred and I rode. It met at Indian Avenue which is a long ride from here. When we arrived there it was a little past the appointed time, and they had already started, but unfortunately on the home track. This upset everything, the dogs got lost, and they had no hunt, after riding about those rodes for some time we came back after a nice but hard [[strikethough]] d [[/strikethrough]] ride. I did not meet so many people as last time, at least people I knew, but still I enjoyed it more
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although I really did not see any hunt. I saw Madame on the beach going.
Tuesday & Wednesday I really did nothing, but Thursday was the day of Garden Party and I will tell you all about it. [[image - dotted lines]]
One large tent stood on the lawn by the crokay grounds. It was of turkey red, and shed a reddish tinge over the ground around. One side was closed, while the three remainding sides were open to the air. A large table sumpuously spread with ices, cakes, sandwiches and many other tempting dishes, stood at the back, and waiters waiting to serve the people were spread about.
The doors from the hall on