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pulled her in and rowed her ashore, where two men carried her to her bath house. It was a very narrow escape, and if it had not been for the boat, she would most likely not be alive now. 
I played tennis with Sybil in the afternoon, and dreadfully badly too.
Wednesday eve went to the farm. Daisy + Wallie Post Sybil T. Baby and myself on the top of the omnibus.
Alfred & Rex drove their tandom Willie Whitehouse his two horses.
It rained on the way out so that we all had to get inside. We were dreadfully squashed. Lunch was very good. Willie P. was crazy. 
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flirting with me as hard as possible He gives thousands of compliments and does not mean on of them. Willie W. is a very nice boy indeed, very well brought up, and in every way nice W.P. was very jelous when I said what I thought of him.
Thursday evening Mr & Mrs Bronson and Elsa came. Elsa seems about the same, very quiet but nice. Friday she drove with me, and we also bathed.
Saturday we also bathed. In the afternoon we went to polo. We both enjoyed it very much Sunday there was church as usual and Consuelo came for us to take a [[strikeout]] pat [[strikeout]] walk