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the others in the castle having much lower ceilings, and being much smaller. They are also perfectly plain and give you a sad feeling when you think that that unhappy, unlucky woman once lived, breathed and moved in them. There is a glass in one of them, which some man of her time made to show her her future. You look in and see yourself without any head, and then you look again and you find you can not see your eyes. It is very curious.
There are two Trianons to be seen also, both occupied at different times by M.A. A guide leads you through them as well as
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the palace, and tell you about the furniture etc. in the rooms. We had time to take a walk as well as a drive, in the garden of the Petit Trianon M.A. when a child had some little cottages built to play in and her children had them afterwards.
We took the five o'clock train after a charming day.

June 8th. 1890. Sunday.

We drove to church this morning, and I saw Pauline W. who has just arrived in Paris after a stay of a week in London, alone with a governess.