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a mistake they said, they had meant to catch up to us, but had not succeeded.  Willie rode away some what calmed but still he considered it a dreadful thing to have ridden home with a girl all alone.
I went to dine with Esther Hunt in the evening. The Blights, Sybil, and Daisy were there. We had a very nice time after dinner playing charades. Bertie came in at the end, and was very nice and polite. He led me to my carriage when I left and closed the door and bowed like a real gentleman.
Thursday the children's
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dancing school at the Casino had its last meeting. I was asked to go, and enjoyed it quite a good deal. The boys were all little but very amusing as usual.
Saturday morning the little boys had their pony parade. I went with Alfred who led, on the way back we stopped at Huylers. We all got some  soda and the coachmen were  not forgotten; each driver took out a glass for his man. 
Sunday I went to see Sybil. I stayed about an hour talking with her, and we both enjoyed it very much.