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[[preprinted]] 36 
Monday Feb 5 [[/preprinted]]
We shovelled [[strikethrough]] most of the [[/strikethrough]] the snow off the coasting track but it does not go very well yet. After a while a bunch of us all piled on Prattie on one sled. It was swell fun about ten of us on one sled. Before we reached the bottom we all dumped off in a heap. One time I was nearly squashed. 
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[[preprinted]] 37 
Tuesday Feb 6 [[/preprinted]]  
Coasting again. Lamby came around. Gosh he can act funny. Not such a big bunch around to-day. Hastings Pratt and Sarto had a scrap and Blankhorn the smallest had a fight with Roy Howe.
[[image: tree, kids on a sled with '(SEE PG. 42)' written underneath, six sleds with an arrow pointed to a big sled labeled 'MY SLED'. Next to the six sleds reads: 'bob Looking from overhead']]