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[[preprinted]] 50
Monday Feb 19 [[/preprinted]]
The small pond is getting bigger and deeper all the time from the melting snows. I put my boots on and waded into it. I pulled [[strikethrough]] som  [[/strikethrough]] the bob out into the middle with Jut and Dave Howe on it and left them there. Lamby and Jelly came. Jelly walked in on stilts and got his feet wet a couple of times then he began running around in it. Lamby and Bee poled [[strikethrough]] ar [[/strikethrough]] around on sleds. I pulled Lamby around on the sled for a while
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[[preprinted]]  51
Tuesday Feb 20 [[/preprinted]]
I studied till 3 o'clock. The pond is much deeper by 1/2 foot. Don and Jut came around at first.[[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] I waded around for a while. About ten kids came around to-day. Pete and Don were going to fight but they waited for each other to hit it up but 
neither did. I had a little friendly fight myself. Jut and I went up at his house and Don gave me 8 college leather [[strikethrough]] cigarrette [[/strikethrough]] pads from cigarette boxes.