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[[preprinted]] 76 
Saturday Mar 16 [[/preprinted]]
We had a lot of fun in the morning squirting the water pistol on kids and others. In the afternoon over at Jut's house Don started slinging mud at the kids. In the back of the house we got pails of water and splashed them around. We soused Don and we all got sousing. Don got mad and wrestled R. Meade. I grabbed his ^[[insertion]] hat [[/insertion]] and passed it around. He got madder and grabbed all ^[[insertion]] the kids [[/insertion]] hats but mine and soaked them in a tub of water. Then came the scrap over the tub and we all got soaked. We laughed at Don and he got sore alright. He had to pick up all his marbles and went away bawling. I won a couple of marbles in some games. Reginald Mead, Jut & I went down by the brook and stepped in the mud. Jut tripped up in it twice. We went in the mud up to our knees nearly. At 8.15 Jut & I went to the Junior High School play, a Farce about a burglary. It was funny. [[strikethrough]] One [[/strikethrough]] Arthur Carstens did swell. Lloyd was in it. Afterwards there was a dance I staid till 10.30
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[[preprinted]] 77 
Sunday Mar 17 [[/pre-printed]]
   Didn't wake up till ten o'clock and got up at 11.15. Weld Arnold came around all green. We got out our wheels and went around to Goodrich's and had a little game of Zinners one in the back yard. It is Winton's last day in Nutley. About ten of us were playing baseball. I got my rapps with Jack and made about ten runs in about five minutes. Then there was a double out. We all went into Mr Goodrich's reading and Mr G. read A couple of poems and then two funny stories by W.W. Jacobs. The last one was about a skipper who had lost all his clothes at cribbage and gets the cabin boy to get some clothes to go back to the ship with. He gets some woman's clothes. The other was about on ship-board the crew buy a medicine book and think they're invalids. The mate makes some medicine of ink soap & all mixtures. He gives a dose to the crew every 20 minutes. You ought to know what happened afterwards.