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[[preprinted]] Tuesday Jan 2 [[/preprinted]] 
First day of school. I'm in the first year Nutley High School. The hours are 8.[[underlined]]30 [[/underlined]] AM-1[[underlined]]00 [[/underlined]] P.M.
   After lunch I got my sled and went up to Goodrich's house and picked out Lloyd. Then we went over to Nutley Park and coasted down Brookfield avenue. The avenue describes a long steep curve, seldom traffic going up and down. We coasted down there awhile finding it quite "bum". We went over to Rutgers Place the next street on the hill. It is quite straight and hardly used. We coasted down the cement sidewalk pretty speedy. After a while staying there we met Jut and coasted down near our house. 
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[[preprinted]] 3 [[/preprinted]] 
[[preprinted]] Wednesday Jan 3 [[/pre-printed]]
In the earlier part of the afternoon I mostly studied. Lloyd came down and we went coasting on Brookfield ave. in the Park. One inch of snow fell last night so it patched it up good. We went up to the outlet for a while and watched the skaters. It is getting quite cold now. We coasted more and it got to be quite fine. I met Jut with his flyer and we came down to the field next to our house and we had great fun coasting down all sorts of ways, lashing our sleds together and having a circus aboard. 
[[image: ink sketch of a sled with the word 'RACER' on it]] MY SLED
[[stamp]] [[upside down]] REGINALD MARSH [[/upside down]] [[/stamp]]