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[[preprinted]] 18 
           Thursday Jan 18 [[/preprinted]] 
By express Winton George sent me a bob-tail made by himself. It's a funny [[crossed out]] thin [[/crossed out]] sled about 9" x 9". I tried to coast on it by it stuck to much on account of thaw. Lloyd and Jut came around and Jut and I showered Lloyd all over with snow. We tried to coast on the bob-tail but it was so little it went slow. Jut and I went up to Jack Wilson's house with Jack and we tried to build a fire with shingles but we could not. 
[[image--rectangular sketch that could be shingles]]
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[[preprinted]] 19
             Friday Jan 19 [[/preprinted]] 
Some rain to-day, but it didn't melt the snow. Jerry & Pete Lahens & I stood. R. Powers, two white kids, Jut Don Blankhorn, R. Walcott, Merril Wright and a fews others in a snow fight. We about beat them. They would run up and fire on us and then run back. Lloyd came down and we tried the bob-tail. I filed the runners down shiny & smooth. It goes nearly as fast as an ordinary sled and it's funny fun.