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[[preprinted]] 178 
              Wednesday June 26 [[/preprinted]]
   I forgot what I did today. There's a bunch of great strawberries in the field which I partially ate. Lloyd's painting his skiff lead color
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[[preprinted]] 179 
              Thursday June 27 [[/preprinted]]
   I forgot what I did today.
In the evening I went for a sail in a sloop owned by a fisherman. The party consisted of Lloyd, Will and Frances Goodrich, Alpheus Geer, Winton Mead, Dorothy Phillips, Dudley Ranny and myself. We had a moonlight sail about 2 miles out to sea. All of us nearly got sick from the heavy swell. Some of them kept shooting Will's rifle off at buoys, the island and light house. I nearly got sick on the candy Mrs. King gave me during the afternoon.