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[[preprinted 118
Saturday Apr 27 [[/preprinted]] 
I got a pair of wooden dumbells at the rummage sale for nothing. Jut and I clumb trees. I shinnied three and that was enough. Two limbs broke underneath me. It rained during the afternoon and I watched a new soda fountain being put in Lefferts' drug store. 
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[[preprinted]] 119
Sunday Apr 28 [[/preprinted]] 
Very fine day. I went [[strikethrough]] down [[/strikethrough]] to Hillside park this afternoon. We crawled under the fence by the menagerie and looked at everything. We saw the balloon fill and the man in the green tights get on the trapeze and go up. The balloon swayed and when it was up high the parachute dropped and he sailed down safely. We watched the merry go round and roller coaster. There was a booth where you could get a prize by four chances throwing 4 balls into a mesh of boxes. No Blanks; your bound to get Something every time.