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Field Book 
No. 1. 
- Notes &c -
[[line]] Sept 23d 1871. Saturday [[line]]
Beat into the Harbor of Iliuliuk against a strong breeze. Anchor off the town in 19 fms, soft muddy bottom about 3 P.M.  Rains

[[line]] Sept 24.  Sunday [[line]] 
Morning clear & fine.  P.M. rains a little.

[[line]] Sept. 25 Monday [[line]]
Make sail and stand into Ulakhta Harbor.  Anchor in 20 fms shingle about 10. A.M.  Take the gig & first cutter with signal lumber and search for any monument or sign of Mr. Davidson's astronomical position, without success.  His station must have been near the end of the spit but no trace of it is left, nor of the house mentioned in his Report.

Transcription Notes:
Place name is Iliuliuk. It is fms = abbreviation for fathoms.