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Return to vessel at 6. P.M.  Weather cloudy, calm.

[[line]] Sept. 26, 1871.  Tuesday [[line]]
A.M. Put up the Ulakta signal station.  From here the Spithead signal is in one with the east end of Bendel's [[linf? tinf?]] covered warehouse - reading
Vern A      167°.40.
" [[ditto for: Vern]] B      347°.40  vert. o.
Ulakta Δ. 
Spithead to Pulpit Rock reads
Vern A        37°.28
" [[ditto for: Vern]] B      217°.28
Signal 20 ft [[strikethrough]] 6 in [[/strikethrough]] high, crosspieces 4 & 8 ft respectively from top.
After setting up this signal put up a small stick on the West side of the head of Ulakhta Harbor 30 fee above water, ten or twelve feet in shore (Gull Rock.)