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offices that have been added in recent years, and 3, eradicate opium. Apparently Szechuan is not complying so war seems certain.

     I have today spent much time on the Lolo anthropological measurements, copying them Dr. Hrdlicka.  I will develop one or two films each day until they are all developed.

     Sept. 15. Today I spent all my spare time developing films, copying the Lolo or Noso anthropometrical measurements to send to Dr. Hrdlicka, and working over the accounts. I shall mail the measurements to Dr. Hrdlicka tomorrow. It will take me several days to get the films all developed. Some of the films were partly spoilt by the heat and dampness.

     Today there was a great religious parade or [[underline]] possession [[/underline]] ^[[procession]] in honor of the Kitchen God, conducted by the Pan Pien Shi temple, the largest temple diagrammed in Religion in Szechuan Province, China."

     Sept. 16. I have spent all my spare time today working over the Ningyuenfu collecting trip account. I will finish tonight the general account of all the details of the trip. Tomorrow I will work out a balance statement of all collecting to the present, and forward the statements to Dr. Wetmore and to Shanghai.

     Sept. 18, 1928. Filled box 172, artifacts from Kiating and new Chinese copper coins used in West China. Mailed boxes 171-172. Today General Hu, the highest military officer in this part of Szechuan, sent me a large picture of himself, more than a foot square. In box 172 is a large image of a man, complete, but the head is severed from the body--also other artifacts. Filled Box 173, Kiating artifacts from Chinese cave-tombs, ancient.

     Sept. 19. I attend a theatrical, purely Chinese, on the invitation of General Hu. [[overwritten]] a [[/overwritten]]^[[A]]t this theatrical all the military officers, leading business men and important dignitaries were present by invitation. Took some pictures and developed two films.

     Sept. 20. Sent fifteen boxes of specimens, mostly insects, to the postoffice to be sent to Shanghai by parcel post. This makes a total of 79 boxes sent since my return to Suifu this fall. Also filled box No. 174, Kiating artifacts of ancient Chinese burial tombs.   Box 175, same as 174.

     Sept. 21. Filled Box 176, bats secured at Kiating Aug. 25-30, 1928. Mailed two more boxes of specimens, total of 81 boxes since summer so far.

     Filled also Box 177 with skinned bats, a mole, etc.

     Sept. 22. Mailed two more boxes of specimens, making a total of 83 boxes of specimens since summer. Was invited to another feast and theatrical, lasting until late at night.

     Sept. 23-28. I have developed the Ningyuen films, written reports, etc. I am forwarding the diary of the Ningyuenfu trip to Dr. Wetmore.

     This month I have been tied down to Suifu, but during the month of October I will be able to go to the outstations a great deal and hope to reach the Miao country.

     During the past two weeks it has rained almost every day.