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to the home of my aborigine collector, but there is a large robber band on the road, and the magistrate of this district requests me not to go. I am sending messengers to Mr. Yang to bring his specimens and meet me at Kongshien. I was given a feast by friends.

Oct. 27. It rained all day.

Oct. 28. Went to Kongshien. It was very muddy under foot. We had to cross small streams nearly thirty times. 

Oct. 29. Yang the collector did not arrive. Secured a rich catch of flies and some fine fossils. Sent another messenger to Yang to bring his specimens to Suifu. ^[[I was given a feast by friends.]]

Oct. 30. Went to Shuin Gien Si. Secured more fossils and flies.

Oct. 31. Secured nine birds. Stayed at Shuin Gien Si. A Chinese hunter was recently killed by a leopard in sight of the town. Was given a feast. 

Nov. 1. Went to Sa Ho E. I was given a feast by Chinese at Hua Tan Chiao. The head militia officers of Hua Tan Chiao and Sa Ho E called on me. Secured three birds and insects. 

Nov. 2. In the morning a killed a queer duck and two white cranes, small ones. The white cranes are very common. Going past Da^[[3]]Er^[[2]]O^[[1]], which is famous for robbers, we ran into a band of robbers.  I had secured an escort of six soldiers and the robbers fled. Reached Suifu about dark. 

Nov. 4. Secured an odd fish. Filled box No. 186, fossils.

Nov. 5 I have received word that the American Express Company at Shanghai has received the 62 boxes of specimens I sent in September by parcel post, and has already forwarded them by an American steamer to the U.S.A.

Filled boxes 187, turtles; 188, insects; 189, pinned insects; 190, fossils; 191, insects in bottles. I have just received word that a translation of mine "The Sacred Book of the Original Vows of the Kitchen God" is to be published in three issues of the Chinese Recorder. Filled box 192, Bird & Mammal bones. 

Nov. 9. Today I secured three artifacts from Chinese tombs, between 100 and 400 years old, excavated about 20 miles west of Suifu. There were two vases, one large and one small, and a small dish or saucer, all are of a brown color. The large vase has a bright glaze and the other two artifacts have a dull glaze. 

I am securing about fifteen silver ornaments. They are samples of women's headdress, now rapidly disappearing. The bright, blue feathers of the small kingfisher are used to decorate the earrings, hair pins, and other ornaments. The price is very cheap, and there may be no opportunities to secure these in the future--at least after a few years. 

Filled box 193, snake; Box 194, Lolo quiver and arrows. 195 birdskins.