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Nov. 15. Secured a strange owl.

Nov. 17. I mailed today an article "Mysterious Potency in the Chinese Religion" for publication in the Chinese Recorder. I am getting ready for a trip of five days in which I should be able to do some collecting. 

Nov. 26. The collecting trip Nov. 20-22 was not very fruitful and not very expensive. I went west of Suifu to Ngan Bien and Shin Tsang.
        I am now unusually busy in Suifu, but in a few days expect to have more time to collect. Yang Fong Tsang should be in soon.

Dec. 3. Labelled mammal skin 131 and a number of birdskins. I telegraphed to the netter Chen Gin Uen at Yachow to collect until conference when we can decide matters for the future. He has very desirable capabilities as a collector. He wants more wages, and possibly ought to have it. It is a difficult problem in which it is easy to make a mistake. He can help distinguish and collect different varieties of fish, knows the Kiating Han Dynasty caves as none else does, nets, traps, etc. He gets valuable specimens, but it often seems to me he ought to get more of them. 

       I have been tied down with a very heavy program during the past two weeks. From now on I hope to collect more. I am to go to Yachow in January. I may be able to go on to Moupin, then hunt or shoot down the Ya River, which is famous as a duck-hunting district. 

Dec. 4. Mammal No. 132, a mole. 

Dec. 5. This afternoon I took a hunting trip up the Min River. I secured five birds. I could have secured more, but I have a sufficient number of some kinds of birds. I saw some birds that are rare, but I did not get close enough to them to shoot them. I hope to go out for a whole day of hunting day after tomorrow.

Dec. 7. I went back today to hunt at the same place as on Dec. 5.  Secured four birds. The stupidity of the coolie probably prevented me from securing a wild goose or a very large gray duck. Today a crazy man went into the yard of Dr. Tompkins and raised a lot of excitement. He was soon overpowered. 

Dec. 9. Tomorrow I leave on a six-day trip along the Min River, coming back by boat. I hope to get a few birds. 

Dec. 8-16. I have taken a trip up the Min River, a seven-day trip, securing sixteen birds, two mammal skins, and some insects. We had several days of rainy weather. At [[underlined]] Gip [[/underlined]] ^[[Gioh]] Chi a wolf had been killed two days before, but very poorly skinned. I did not succeed in purchasing the skin. The owner asked from me six times what others bought such a kind for. I think I have located a fine district in which to hunt mammals later.