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Dec. 19. I have been on a two days trip to Li Chuang, east of Suifu, but got only two small birds, and have charged nothing to the Smithsonian for the expenses of the trip.

     War clouds are again hovering over Szechuan. We hope they will blow over. Today I filled box No. 211, frogs and fish from Yachow, Szechuan, China. I sent a messenger after Yang Fong Tsang, the aborigine collector. It is time he came in with his specimens. 

Dec. 20. Bought a duck that is rather uncommon. In the past I have secured only one like it.

     Filled Box 212, fish from Yachow and 213, also fish from Yachow. Worked over and repacked a number of the Yachow specimens. Mammal No. 133, Box 214, birds from Yachow, secured by the netter Chen.

Dec. 21. Filled boxes 215 mammal and bird bones; 216, insects; 217, mammal skins; 218, insects.

     War has actually begun now in the Province and will quite certainly extend so as to involve most of the Province. This will make collecting more difficult for the present, but we will continue to do what we can. Robbers have appeared on the Min River where I travelled in perfect safety a few days ago. 

Dec. 23. Today I succeeded, after days of bargaining in securing for the Smithsonian Instittuion an ivory instrument called a Tsao^[[2]] Pien^[[3]] such as was formerly held in the hands of high civil officials when actually performing official duty.

     I ate dinner at the invitation of the head civil magistrate of this section, and sat beside him in conversation for over an hour. 

     A friend who has been in the district where Yang Fong Tsang is collecting says Yang Fong Tsang has a good catch of specimens. 

     Last night I ate supper with the leading military officer of this [[underlined]] per [[/underlined]] ^[[pre]]fecture.

Dec. 25. Today Yang Fong Tsang, aborigine collector, arrived. He had many fine mountain rats, but only two birds. He said he couldn't get any good powder. He brought in snakes, frogs, insects, etc. I labelled all the mammals, from 134 to 164. I packed most of them into boxes. Yang brought a [[underlined]] m [[/underlined]] ^[[M]]iao aborigine friend, whom I will measure. 

[[2 columns listing boxes and contents]]
[[column 1]]
Box 219, Ratskins and bones.   
Box 220, " " " [[Dittos for: Ratskins and bones.]]  
Box 221, " " " [[Dittos for: Ratskins and bones.]]
Box 222, Bones (monkey)                             
Box 223, Insects                                    
Box 224, Snakes & Insects
[[/column 1]]
[[column 2]]
Box 225, Insects $1.00                     
Box 226, snakes
Box 227 Museum specimens
Box 228 Mammal skins.
Box 229 Birdskins, etc.
[[/column 2]]

Dec. 26  I have packed and labelled 19 boxes of specimens as described above. I have also reckoned with Yang Fong Tsang, the aborigine collector. The labelling of the specimens, packing etc., has been a big job. Practically all my time