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myself until we reach Yachow.

     Tomorrow I will visit an interesting Han Dynasty burial cave described by Faber in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, about 1881, at Huang ^[[2]] Sa ^[[1]] Chi. ^[[1]] I expect to take pictures and make diagrams. I may take other pictures tomorrow.

     We pass tomorrow the worst part of the robber district, I think.

     We pass tomorrow through a very picturesque part of the trip. A perpendicular cliff a few hundred feet high, actually overhanging in some places, a queer feng-shui stone, and some ancient Chinese burial tombs (caves) are to be seen.

Jan. 18. We passed the most picturesque part of our journey quite early. It was not light enough so that I could take a picture of the feng-shui rock, but I took some pictures of a most interesting tomb, one described by Faber as a mantsi cave. I also made some diagrams. I think Faber's diagram overlooks the fact that the central cave is much shorter than the other two caves, thus: [[image - stylised pen map of a cave system in the shape of an E]]

     I secured two varieties of river snails, and five birds, besides some few insects. I walked almost all day, a lot of work with only moderate results in specimens. We passed one of what is considered the most dangerous stages on our journey.

Jan. 19. Secured seven birds. Travelled to Ma Lin Tsang, arriving early. We are probably out of the dangerous [[underlined]] territoy [[/underlined]] ^[[territory]] until we reach Kiating. The river below us ins not as dangerous as it was last summer.

Jan. 20. Secured some insects and frogs. Reached Chien [[overwritten]] w [[/overwritten]] ^[[W]]ay. Visited the magistrate who advised that an escort is unnecessary between Chien [[overwritten]] w [[/overwritten]] ^[[W]]ay and Kiating.

Jan. 21. This has been a cold rainy day. This morning I put on my raincoat and knee-top rubber boots and went on shore, securing four birds. This afternoon I skinned them. This evening I visited a Duan 'Gong', a priest of the little understood heretical u'giao' or witch or sorcerer society. I learned considerable about this strange sect. We are at Tsu'gen'Tan'. I secured a strange idol and some other strange charms and artifacts used. 

Jan. 22. Reached Kiating. Secured one bird, arranged for the escort to Kia [[underlined]] Hiang. [[/underlined]] ^[[Kiang]] Had a fine visit with the local magistrate, and supper at the home of Mr. Lovegren.

Jan. 23. We got a very late start, with many delays, mostly due to the coolies. Probably left Kiating about 10:30. Reached Kia Kiang,seventy li, after dark. It rained practically all day^[[.]] [[overwritten]] a [[/overwritten]] ^[[A]]t first it was a drizzling rain driven by the wind so that one's clothes [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[were]] soaked. Later there was a heavy rain. The roads were terrible, Arranged for the escort to Hong Ya. Killed four birds. Two seem to be to be kinds that I never secured before. One had a little topknot of feathers on top of its head. I'll have to preserve these carefully