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28      October 1862
[[underlined]] Tuesday 21.[[/underlined]] Today I fixed the Plants in my studio, cut the last of the sweet Marjaram, excep that part I left for seed which is not ripe enough.
34°. calm clo 1 s w. 66°. s w clo 8 s w. 56°. s e, comd. to rain. 
[[underlined]] Wednesday 22.[/underlined]] I painted most of the day on N 81 and N. 84. Edward went again to day to Potte. took the Squire with him, has not yet returned  The man made one barrel of cyder and took in some corn &c.
49°. w 2, clo 3 w. 58°. n w 3. clo 5 n w. 47°. n w 2, clo. n w.
[[underlined]] Thursday 23[[/underlined]] I decided where to make a pipe hole to the outer kitchen chimney and begun to make the opening and leave it for the men to complete it. Mrs. Peale and Mary went after breakefast in the carriage to Potte. expecting to return tomorrow. Edward, Louesia & Fanny went after dinner to Orwigsburg, Benny Potts & S. Haven got home after dark. I peeled apples, read the papers, &c. The men have been husking corn in the back field all day. Edward compleated his task preparitory to the Drafting, they have more men now than requisite so that drafting willnot be nessary in this district - it has been quite a heavy task for him, at the meeting last evening in S. Haven the amount called was sufficient to pay the sherif, magistrates, &c and offers him a handsome sum for his services, which he refused to receive and only took the amount paid to the officers about $5.
42°. calm clear. 53°. n w 2 clo 4 n w. 40° calm w, clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 24 [[/underlined]] I mended a wash-stand for Louesia ground the fore & Jack plains, cut a hole through the logs for the stove pipe in kitchen &c.
The men all day at the corn.
Mrs. Peale and Mary returned from Potte. at 6 this evening.
30°. calm e dence fog over the river, white frost. 62°. s w clo 3 s w 53°. calm s w. clear.
[[underlined]] Saturday 25 [[/underlined]] I painted a good part of the day on N. 77. Mrs. Gibbins from Ellicots Mills and shavelier Morris, spent the day with us. The men and Edward have been all day with the corn in the back field.
40°. calm fog, clear. 60°. w. clo 3 w. 46°. e clo 3.
[[underlined]] Sunday 26 [[/underlined]] This has been the most unpleasant day of the season n. e wind.
43°. n e 2 . clo 10. 43°. n e rain. 44°. n e rain.