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3 June 1862 [[underlined]] Tuesday 24. [[/underlined]] It has been raining all day so that I could do but little in the garden, planted out the Peppers. Too dark to paint. 57°. n e rain. 65°. n e rain. 62°. calm n e. rain. [[underlined]] Wednesday 25 [[/underlined]] soon after breakfast Mrs. Peale & I went to Potts. dined at James Pattersons intended to stay all night at brother Georges but concluded to come home as Kitty Yeats had not returned from Mohanoy City. We got letters from Anna Sellars and one from Anna Peale announcing the death of Fanny Randell, who died Saturday morning 21st inst at 9 o'clock. we got home before sunset. 59°. calm clo 10. 66° w. clo 9 n. 65°. w. clo 4 n. [[underlined]] Thursday 26. [[/underlined]] I worked the greater part of the day in the garden, weeding and skuffelling. We gathered I think the last mess of strawberries. Edward went to Ringold to sell Phosphate of Lime returned to supper. George & wife and John took in two large loads of hay from behind the barn that was cut on Saturday afternoon in shewing its operation etc rain prevented its being brought in. [[underlined]] Mary White [[/underlined]] went home this morning at noon. 62°. w clear. 79°. w clo 1 n w. 68°. calm, clear. [[underlined]] Friday 27.[[/underlined]] Soon after breakfast Mrs. Peale and I went to Pottsville being invited to sup at brother Georges with Kitty Yeates, Louisia Hayes, Yeates Cunningham, Mr & Mrs J. Shippen, Burd Patterson, William & wife, Ford & wife etc etc. We spent quite a pleasant evening and retired very late. [[underlined]] Saturday 28. [[/underlined]] visited our friend. &c ---- John Patterson took [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] our vehicle & hors down intending to come up for us in the afternoon but didnot come. Edward & he came today. [[underlined]] Sunday 29. [[/underlined]] Brother George, brought down Mary Eliza, Lydia and Stewarts daughter Jane he left soon after dinner leaving the girls here. Mr. George Payn also dined with us, he wanted to see Edward about getting a mowing machine but Edward was absent, E. met him on the road. 69°. calm a little fog. clo s w. 79°. calm s e clear, about 5 oclock it clouded up from the east and begun to rain 71°. s e calm, rain. [[underlined]] Monday 30 [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 78. Butcher at S. H. purchased our heffer $25.
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