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February 1863.
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Satur [[/strikethrough]] Friday 13. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 86.
Edward went to Long Run about his hay, it is to be sent to the carrs at S. H. tomorrow to go to Ashland. He learned in S. H. that Mr. Campbells house in Potte was on fire when the carrs left this afternoon.
Edward Hubley came from Reading this morning.
Mary had a short sitting of Burdie this morning.
Louisia didnot come over to her meals to day being a little unwell.
28°. calm n w clo 5 n w. 36°. n w clo 4 n w. 26°. calm clear.
[[underlined]] Saturday. 14. [[/underlined]] I prepaired stuff for another fruit piec and stretched canvas on the one made on Thursday.
Mary walked this afternoon to S. H. and back, made the arrangements for setters in the next week &c.
  I got a letter from Titian as follows.
     Washington D.C. Feb: 11. 1863.
"Dear Rubens
  Lucy and myself were both agreably surprizd by the reception of a beautiful Fruit piece, which Burd brought to us yesterday from you.
  There are many reasons, besides the beauty and value of the picture, why we should be pleased with the present it is so unexpected, that I hardly know how to return our acknowlegdement, but we can assure you of our high appreciation of the remembrance; it is like a restoration of old family reunion we are here out of the way Arts & Artists, and so in the midst of civil war, that retrospect of social relations comes with double force our few relations near here are rebels and our intercourse has ceased.
  The Dr started for the army this morning, it will soon be in motion again, we hope for victory.
  Lucy joins in kind remembrance with
  Your truly
     Titian Ramsey Peale
PS - We don't give up our hoped for excurtion to Phila. & Pottsville in the spring or summer."
Louisia and May went to Orwigsburg this afternoon. got home just at dusk.
15°. calm clear. 38°. s e clo 10. 30°. calm s e clo 2.
[[underlined]] Sunday 15. [[/underlined]] Mary and May went to Cressona Church. nothing particularly occured today. no company.
39°. sw, [[strikethrough]] clear [[/strikethrough]] drizzly. 43°. s w drizzle. 39°. s w. clear.