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July 1863.
[[underlined]] Saturday 25. [[/underlined]] I have cleaned up around the front of the house &c. James & Matilda Patterson came down this morning with some of their children and spent the day. [[strikethrough]] Clara [[/strikethrough]] Flora & Malcom remained here also Paulin.
Edward had one load of hay brought in and a load of geanings of the Rye.
75° calm s e clo 10 s w. 86°. s e clo 8 e. a shower toward sunset.
80°. s e clo 5. vivid lightning to the e & s e.
[[underlined]] Sunday 26th. [[/underlined]] Mrs Peale, Mary & Louisia went to Church this morning, an English Clergyman preached, they were pleased with the sermon. We have had no company today.
74°. s w heavey rain during the night. Clo. 9 n w. 86°. s w clo 3 w. 79°. calm clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 27. [[/underlined]] I worked all the morning in the garden thinned out the Parsnips and transplanted those that were taken out of the old bed. Howed or skuffelled the cabage bed &c, rain drove me in.
Geore has been mowing with the machine in the lowe meadow most of the day.
Louisia, Mary & Fanny went this morning to S. Haven and Fanny sat for a Photograph.
71°. calm clo 2 s w. 78°. calm s w. rain. 71°. calm s w. clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 28. [[/underlined]] I worked nearly all day in the garden, clearing off the weeds and grass. Mary commenced this morning a small picture representing the nest of the CatBird that built in the Rose Bush over the front porch but the young birds were ready to go with the mother and left the nest before the picture was fairly dead coloured.
Edward has had the gleanings of Rye thrashed this morning, and took in 6 large loads of Hay this afternoon from the lower meadow. We have all been too buisy to go to S. H. for the newspaper.
66°. calm, dence fog all night until after sunrise. 84°. s e clo 4 s w. 74°. calm clo 3 s w.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 29. [[/underlined]] I have worked all day in the garden and in front of the house, planted Endive, arranged and sunk the pot plants in front of the house, Mary planted a row of box in front along the walk, and painted of her Partridge Piece. 
George mowed all the morning with the machine and brought from the lower meadow 6 loads of Hay  Edward raked with the machine the greater part