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July 29th. 1863. and August 
of the day. Louisia went this morning to S. Haven for the mantuamaker.
70°. calm clo 3 s w. 87°. calm clo 4 s. 77° calm, clo 2. s.
[[underlined]] Thursday 30. [[underlined]] I assisted Mary in laying the new carpet and arrangeing my studio this morning as it rained I could do nothing out of doors. They tryed to work with the hay this afternoon, but a heavy rain drove them in. I worked a little in the shop this afternoon.
70° calm se rain. 87°. calm clo 3 sw about 4 thunder & rain sw. 76°. calm clo. 4 sw.
[[underlined]] Friday 31st. [[underlined]] I sat all the morning to Mary. soon after dinner I was attacked with a most severe cholic. Mrs. Peale and Mary done every thing they could to release the pain, and by 3 oclock I was quite restored I finished planting the Endive toward evening. This morning an Artilery Company passed here bound for Potte. Six field pieces and one hundred men. and five hundred soldiers went up in the carrs. It is apprehinded that the Irish would revault next week to prevent the Draft, and this is to guard against it. 
George took in 3 loads of Hay this afternoon.
Louisia, Mary & the children went this afternoon to S. Haven and then to the Landing, got groceries &c.
75°. sw clo 8 sw. 85°. w clo 5. sw. 80°. sw clo 4 sw.
[[double underlined]] Saturday August 1st. 1863. [[/underlined]] I worked the most of the day in the garden, wed the long bed, planted Louisias Endive &c. Edward, Louisia & Mary went this morning to Potte. and returned this evening but they didnot come. the returned Soldiers were expected at S. Haven this evening, Louisia & Mary are there to see them.
68°. calm, clo 2 s w. 84°. s w clo 9 s w. 75°. calm. clo 1 s w.
[[underlined]] Sunday 2d. [[/underlined]] I have spent the day in reading, we have had no company today. This has been the warmest day this year & if it hadnot been a little cloudy it would have warmer. 
[[left margin note]] hot. [[/margin note]] 73°. calm fog, clear. 90° calm s w clo 1 s w. 82°. calm. s e. clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 3d. [[/underlined]] I worked a part of the morning in the garden. Louisia, Mary, Clarra & Albert went to Potte. & Edward, he came back without them, they stay to see a dress parade of soldiers. Edd. had a part of the Oats cradled this morning and some grass cut in the meadow. & tood ] in 2 loads of Hay.
[[left margin note]] hot. [[/margin note]] 70°. calm, dence fog. 93°. s w clo 3 n w. 8[[1 or 3]]° calm, clo 3 lightning to the west.