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August 1863.
[[underlined]]Sunday 9th.[[/underlined]] We didnot go to church and had no company. Edward went late this afternoon to get hands, took with him Louisia and Fanny. it come on to lightning from the n. w. very splendidly and they have just got home. 
[[left margin note]] hot. [[/left margin note]]
68°. calm, clear. 91°. s w clo 2 w. 80° n w thunder, Lightning & rain.
[[underlined]] Monday 10.[[/underlined]] I worked a part of the morning in the garden took up Peas and dug the bed and sowed Turnips on it. Edward had a quantity of Hay baled this morng and finished a large stack, covered it with boards.
Mrs. Peale, Mary & Clarra went this afternoon to S.Haven got the horse shoed and had irons made to strengthing the carriage top, got Japan & Sp. of turpentine &c. They were caught in a thunder-shower. It rained here very heavey with Thunder & Lightning a hail but didnot last long.
72°. calm, dence fog. 90°. s w. clo 3 n w. Thunder storm cam ? about 5 oclock, heavey rain & hail, 79°. calm, lightning to the E. clo. 3.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 11th.[[/underlined]] I worked all the morning in the garden. then Company came. James Patterson and family. Louisia had her cousins (daughter of Robt. Pott) the Miss Bannans, Mr. Green lately from the war and several others all spent the day here. George took 2 loads of bailed Hay to S. Hav. this afternoon.
70°. calm e clear. 90°. s w clo 2 s w. 84°. calm, clo lightning to the n w.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 12th.[[/underlined]] Mary, Edward & Louisia went by this morning Carrs to Phila. intending to go to seven miles Beach to join Mr. Talhams family there. George took a load of Hay to S. Haven this morning, and then worked at the Oats. Mrs. Try assisted.
I worked all the morning in the garden in takeing out weeds. Mended Mary's parrasoll & fixed her stay straps of steel. Mrs. Peale, Alfred, Clarra & Fanny went in the carriage this afternoon to Benny Potts and returned by S. Hav 
73°. calm s w clear. Storm in the night of thunder, lightning & rain. 83°. n w clo 8 sw. 74°. calm, s e clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 13th.[[/underlined]] I worked in the garden from sunrise till near nine oclock when Mrs. Peale induced me to go to Potte. Clarra accompanyed us up, we dined at brother Georges we met James Patterson on our way up, comeing down with Eddy and several other boys intending to encamp for a few days, having with them a Tent & provisions &c.-
Lydia & her friend C. Lewis came this afternoon And Mary Eliza