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[[upper left corner]] 108. [[/upper left corner]]
August 13, 1863.
came down with us, we got home just before dark.
I procured a light hat, suspenders, and articles for window curtains &c.
We lift at home Albert and Jimmy & Lear to keep house.
68°. calm, clo 2 s w. __ clear. __ 76 calm clowded up at sunset.
[[underlined]] Friday 14.[[/underlined]] I worked nearly all day in the garden. removing weeds and cleaning up.
Flora Patterson & 2 of her friends came in the morning carrs, and this afternoon Harris & his friend walked down unbeknown to their parents, we sent them home in the carrs after giving them something to eate, malcom went [[insertion]] with them [[/insertion]] up.
Mr. Moyer called to tell Edward that the Plow had not yet reached Aubern, that he is in much need of it. with 6 shears.
73°. calm, clo 9. 87°. calm w clo 5 w. 76°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Saturday 15.[[/underlined]] I have not been well all day, I was taken with Diara yesterday evening which has lasted until now, it [[strikethrough]] las[[/strikethrough]] has kept me very weak & goodfor nothing. James Patterson came down this afternoon with his big carraige and took home Flora, Lydia, Eddy, Jimmy and the boys that were encamped here &c. 
Geo. took 2 loads of Hay to S. Haven today.
70° calm, clear. 89°. n e calm, clo 4 n w. 77°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Sunday 16. [[/underlined]] Nothing in particular has occured today until late in the afternoon when we had quite a severe storm of rain & wind from the south west.
70°. calm w fog clear. 87°. s w, clo 3 s w. storm of rain & wind near sunset. 75°. calm, clo 5.
[[underlined]] Monday 17th.[[/underlined]] I am much better today but not able to do any work in the garden, the sun was opressive to me, but this evening I feel much better.
George has commenced to plow in the back field [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]]
70°. calm fog clo 2 n w. 72°. n e clo 3 n e. 69°. calm, clear
[[underlined]] Tuesday 18. [[/underlined]] I worked the greater part of the day in the garden, Mrs. Try and Lear's niece Jane worked also. got rid of an emince quantity of grass and weeds &c. George has been plowing all day.
got a letter from Burd saying that May & Burdie intend comeing up about the 27th of this month. and we expect Harriet up tomorrow evening.
59°. calm, fog, clear. 73°. calm clear. 61°. calm, clear.