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September 1863.
[[underlined]] Saturday 5. [[/underlined]] I have worked all the morning in the garden. Albert assisted me, in removing of the rubbish and weeds amongst the upper Raspberries trimming and stakeing them &c.
Charles came up from Phila. in the Carrs at noon. Early this afternoon James Patterson with all his family came, they didnot stay to supper but took a lunch.
[[left margin note]] cold. [[/left margin]] 44°. calm, dence fog. 74°. calm, clear. 60°. calm n e clear.
[[underlined]] Sunday 6. [[/underlined]] This morning Charles, Harriet & Mrs. Peale went up to Potte. & spent the day, brought home Clarra with them. Edward & Louisia & Fanny went this afternoon to Benny Potts, he has been confined to his bed for two weeks with Camp Fever but is much better today. We have had [[strikethrough]] quiet [[/strikethrough]] a quiet day here, no company
57°. calm, clo 6 s w. 74°. calm sw, clo 9 s w. 69°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 7. [[/underlined]] I commenced a small picture of a large bunch of Homburg Grapes (Black Hamburg) which Burd sent me on Saturday from Holmesburg.
and painted all day until four oclock, when a thunder gust stopped me being too dark to paint.
Charles, Harriet, Albert & Clara went to Phila. in this afternoon train of carrs.
Mary came home this evening from Phila. in the Carrs.
57°. calm, dence fog. 81°. calm s w, clo 4 s w. Thunder storm at 4 oclock a smart shower of rain. 66°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 8. [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 91 and 92. Mary commenced a small fruit piece.
67°. calm, clo 10. 79°. calm s w, clo 9 s w. 72°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 9. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 91. The picture that I begun of the Black Hamburg Grapes I handed over to Mary, I had made the drawing and dead coloured a part of it, and as she wished to paint this bunch of grapes before it should spoil, it being an uncommon large & firm bunch I thought it best that she should paint it.
I repaired a milk bucket & a pan for Louisia. and saved Red & yellow Tomato seed.
67°. calm n w clo 8 s w. 70°. calm w, clo 1. 59°. calm e  A display [[left margin note]] Aurora. [[/left margin]] of Auraraboreallis or northern light.
[[underlined]] Thursday 10. [[/underlined]] I worked a part of the morning in the garden when Eddy Patterson came to bring my niece Mrs. Ellen Jacobs, she has been spending some time at