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September 16. 1863.
Lydia and John came down and dined with us, John has been quite sick with Billious Feber is now on the recovery. On Friday last the White Flag was flying on the ruins of Fort Moultry Charleston Harbor and the Union Army has possession of half of James Island.
65°. calm, dence fog. 75°. calm s e clo 9 s w. 69°. calm, clo 3 s e.
[[underline]] Thursday 17. [[/underline]] I painted a part of the morning, when Mrs. Bennet and young Mrs. Bennet (formerly Miss White) came and soon after cames James & Matilda and all their children & Margaret Walker and Louie. They all dined with us makeing a large Company.
70°. calm s e clo 4 sw. 77°. calm and quite a smart rain lasting but a little time. 74°. calm clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 18. [[/underlined]] It was so dark all day that I couldnot paint, it has been raining all day, the water has overflowed up into the meadow. I prepared Apples for drying and made 3 Lb of candles. Edwar has been thrashing with the machine all day. (wheat).
The wind & rain this morning made great havock among the Dahlias [[strikethrough]] this morning [[/strikethrough]] tearing them to pieces & plowing them down.
69°. n e rain. 72°. calm n e rain. cleared up about 8 oclock 61°. n w clear.
[[underlined]] Saturday 19. [[/underlined]] I have painted all day on N. 90. and preparing apples for drying & setting up the Dahlias that were blown yesterday morning.
  Got some fine grapes by the Express from Burd, that were raised in the Grapery belonging to G H. Stewart Esq.
59°.  calm n w clo 8 sw. 59°. n w clo 5 s w. 54°. calm clo 5. s w.
[[underlined]] Sunday 20. [[/underlined]] I took Mary this morning to church in Potte. I couldnot hear one word that was said by the minister although we sat near the chancel, he spoke very low we then dined at brother Georges, we then went to brother Burd's and then to James Patterson to see Mrs. Bennet, Mr. B. came up last evening, he & James were out walking Mary went down to Morris's addition and I spent the evening there with Mr. B. I lodged at brother George's
[[underlined]] Monday 21st. [[/underlined]] soon after breakefast Lydia anad I went in the carriage up to the Military Hospical to see one of the patience who has had a severe attack of Rheumatisem on whome I operated for some time giving him some relief, but I was impatient to get home. I then went to Mrs. Fisher's to find Mary, she and I then went up to Mr. J. Bannans.