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October 1863.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 21.[[/underlined]] I painted a good part of the day on N. 93. and finished fixing the celery.
Edward had the Hors Hay press taken up Long Run this morning, he has been there with his menn all day pressing Hay. Mrs. Dr. Shannan sat to Mary this morning. 
39°. calm dence fog. 68°. s w clo 2 s w. 53°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 22.[[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 91 and finished it. And N. 93 apart of the day. 
Edward brought the new grate for Marys stove, I had some hard filing to get it to fit and fixed the lining of the stove temperily as it was much broken.
Mrs. Peale walked to the Landing at noon to go to Potte. 
37°. calm, clo 3, white frost. e. 57°. w, clear. 44°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 23.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 93.
Mrs. Shannan sat to Mary this morning, she and Daughter dined with us, Mary went to S. Haven with them and walked home.
[[underlined]] Saturday 24. [[/underlined]]. I painted all day on N. 93. although it has been raining and of course very dark. Pared & prepared Apples for Mary to preserve, and pasted them up. 
48°. calm n e rain. 56°. e rain, begun to clear off at sunset. 47° w clouds 9 s w.
[[underlined]] Sunday 25.[[/underlined]] We have had a quiet day, no company. Benny Pott his wife & child was at Edwards and they all come over to supper. 
37°. n e clo 4 n e. 47°. n e clear. 36°. calm e clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 26. [[/underlined]] Edward and Louisia went to Potte. son after breakefast, spent the day there, they inform that Mrs. Peale went with James Patterson to Ashland at 8 this morning. Two loads of Timothy came for Edward, placed at the Hay House. 
I painted all day on N. 93. mended 3 pans a bucket and dipper, after cleaning up my paints &c. 
36°. calm s e clear. 44°. calm s e clo 1. 35°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 27.[[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 93. Edward went to the Landing for Mrs. Hubley. Mr. H. went on to Potte. to attend to business. Mrs. Shannan sat this morning to Mary. 
27°. calm, clear. 51°. s e clo 3 s w. 39°. calm, clo 2.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 28.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 93. Mrs. Shannan sat this morning to Mary. 
Mrs. Peale came home this afternoon from Potte. and walked from the Landing.