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May 13. 1863.
died last evening. 59°. calm clo 3 w and soon cleared up &c.
[[underlined]] Thursday 14th. [[/underlined]] We had quite a heavey shower during the night, and this morning it is rather foggy & mist.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]]Friday 15.[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]] Mary was to have been here this morning to go with me to get some things, but she didnot come, which kept me in the house. Eleanora Jacobs called to see us, she looks remarcably well and very glad to see us. Anna Peale called this afternoon, she is quite bright & as full of fun as ever. Mary came just at dark. It commenced to rain at sunset this evening.
[[underlined]] Friday 15.[[/underlined]] I went this morning soon after breakefast with Mrs. Peale and Mary a shopping, we entered many very splended stores I was much surprised to see the extent and splender of them not only in the outfit but the costly materials for sale &c, got myself a new Vest, stock & hat then went to Earl's galery while they finished their purchases, we then went to the Academy of Fine Arts, spent several hours there, was joined by Franklin & his daughter Anna & Mr. Fael. There are some very fine pictures in Exhibition but as I only took a cursiary view of them at this time, my next visit will be with catalogue in hand, to examine more minutely, then took some Ice cream at a confectioners and went to Mr. Tathams, found them well except George who is confined with scarlet fever, we dined with them at five oclock, we then went to see Mrs. Dr. Shippen & Harriet, Mrs. S. was not very well, Harriet took remarcably well & I think much improved by her City residence, they board at a large Boarding house in  Broad Street. here we took tea, & got home by carrs about 9 oclock rather fatigued. The day has been a splended one with a refreshing brease.
[[underlined]] Saturday 16. [[/underlined]] I went soon after breakfast to ^[[insertion]] see [[/insertion]] Corra and children,  Jessie and Coleman have grown so much that I scarcely recognised them. I went from there to the Machine Shop to see Coleman spent an hour there and returned home. After dinner Mrs. Peale & Mary accompd. me to Franklins from there went to hear the Germania Orchestra a full band of Germas, they performed seven pieces most exquisitely, Anna P. accompanied us, Mrs. P didnot go, she went to Miss Burds & Mr. Millers. Harriet, Clarra & Albert joined us there, we enjoyed the music very much, from there we went to the Academy of Fine Arts there Mrs. Peale joined us, we then took a cup of Coffee at the