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May 18 1863.
around us.
Mrs. Peale and I dined at Mr. Tho. Potts, found them all well and glad to see us, especially Julia & Anna. Their garden is in beautiful order, has some Dwaf Pear trees in very fine condition, they then proposed our taking a ride to Omstead, called at Charles's for my overcoat as it was cool to ride, the various roads are so much changed that I had to ask the names of them constantly they are so complitely built up & improved in every respect since I lived in Phila. Omestead I could scarcely recognize it has been about 50 years since I was there while Colonel Burd was living there during the summer season, but when I got on the west side of the lawn toward the river schuylkill all became familliar to me, except the various villas & new houses, for when I formerly was there, scarcely anything was seen but woods & fields especially across the river. Lewis & Louisia Walker was spending the day there, seeing to the cleaning & repainting the house previous to their going out to live during the hot weather. We returned by the Ridge Avene (formerly Ridge Road) got home at sunset, Burd May & Burdie came in time to Supper & to spend the night.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 19. [[/underlined]] I didnot go out until after dinner, Mrs. Peale and I went early to Harriets to tea & spend the evening there. Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. & Miss Babcock, Coleman, Cora & Mary P, came. My daughter came after her ride to Holmesburg with Mr. H. P Cope ^[[insertion]] and a large party over 20 in number [[/insertion]] she visited two beautiful gardens, Mr. Stewart I have visited when here last, it did belong to Mr. Cope, the other I didnot know, they didnot call to see Burd for want of time we got home about 10 oclock.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 20. [[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale and I went down town to the Academy, called to see Titian & Lucy &c. went to the Academy again, saw there Mr. [[?]]. In returning home I totally forgot the name of the street that Charles resides in and I wandered about for at least an hour before I found it, I had looked in the directory in vain, (his name is not in it) at last I found the street (Brown) by this time I was much exausted and tired, met in the street Harriet & Anna Peale, toward evening Mrs. Peale went to Gen Duncan & Anne, he is very feeble scarcely able to cross the room alone, saw there Maria and Margaritta Peale, I was too much exausted to accompany her although I intended doing so
I sent by Alfred, my set of teeth to Mr. Doxon to have a little repairs done