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May 1862      89
[[underlined]] Monday 25. [[/underlined]] The news of the Capture of Vixburg is comfirmed by this mornings papers and good nights repose makes me feel like myself again.
Mrs. Peale and Harriet went out to shop, Mary joined them they engaged a new carpet for our parlour @ 175- Charles and I hung several of his pictures this afternoon & evening.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 26. [[/underlined]] I got up feeling much better today spent the morning at the Academy, remained at home the remainder of the day.
[[strikethrough]] Wednesday 27 [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Peale and I went to see Sister Harriet, she was out. left with her some Phials for paints for Mary. went to the Academy, Mary was drawing, we then dined at the Continental Restorita on nice mutten chop, went to Mr. McCallister's, got a gold pair of specticals for Mrs. Peale & left a pair to have new glasses put in, and I had mine renewed as they were somewhat scratched by long use, called to see Margaret and Louisia Hubbley, returned home to tea.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 27. [[/underlined]] Went to bed quite well but toward morning I awoke with great pain in my chest, probably from eating something that disagreed with me during the day. Mrs. Peale rubbed me for a long time which gave so much relief that I got to sleep & I arose rather weak took some Rheubarb medicine.
  At Mr. McAlisters yesterday I saw the first Cherekee Indian that took up arms in support of the Union. He was dressed as an Officer, a well proportioned Man and good looking.
  This evening feel more strong than I did all day. I have not been out all day.
[[underlined]] Thursday 28. [[/underlined]] I went to the timmans and got him to cut out of tin, 3 apples, 3 Peaches & 3 Pears, I then gave them a coat of paint & put them to dry in the sun, and then worked at altering frames to sut smaller pictures for Charles. Mary came at dusk, having drawn at the Academy 5 hours during the day.
[[underlined]] Friday 29th. [[/underlined]] Spent the day at home, Anna Sellers called for me to go out to Mill Bank with her, but I didnot feel smart enough to go with her Mrs. Peale and Mary were down town. James Peale spent this evening with us.
[[underlined]] Saturday 30. [[/underlined]] I gave my fruit a second coat of paint today went in the afternoon to Coleman Sellers's with Mrs. Peale and spent the evening there, had fine strawberries at tea, the first I have tasted.

Transcription Notes:
Vixburg=he probably means "Vicksburg"