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90. May 30 1863 & June 1863
This season, when we left home our strawberries were only coming into bloome.
[[underlined]] Sunday 31 [[/underlined]]. Mrs. Peale and Ann went to church. Charles, Albert, and I went to Maniunk in the carrs we had a most delightful ride, only anoied by dust on the road. the great improvement on the whole rout is most wonderful. It has been upwards of 40 years since I was in Maniunk Mrs. P and I rode out a few days since with the Miss Hubbleys, to Ormsted, but as I rode backward I didnot see much of the improvements on the Ridge Road which is now nearly all built up with handsome houses &c.
[[underlined]] Monday June 1st. 1863.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale and I went to see brother Titian & Lucy who were going to return home to Washington this morning, met there, Maria & Margaret Peale & Eleanora Springher, also George Summers and Titians grandson who are going to W with them. Examined Franklins vast collection of Indian Antiquities they consisted of Arrow heads, Spears, hatchets, Axes, Hammers, Pipes, Hoes, saws, Homony Pestles & morters pottery &c &c - many of the articles are from various parts of Europe.
Mary joined us and went to the Academy and Mrs. Peale left us to go to Germantown. After taking a lunch we went to see Mr. Sully & family, found them well, he looks very thin but quite cheareful & lively, but says he has but little employment. We then went to Mr. Tathams to dinner at 5 oclock, got home in time for tea, Charles had gone downtown, and went to see the Dimocrat meeting in Independant Square, the meeting was large but he was too far off to hear any of the speakers.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 2.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on the fruit on tins, finished the 3 apples and gave the peaches & pears a second coat, worked a part of the afternoon on a frame for the fruit piece that I painted at Shamoken
[[underlined]] Wednesday 3. [[/underlined]] I went with Charles to see the market worked all the morning in his shop finished the frame for the fruit piece &c.
Mary went to New York at 2 Oclock with Mr. Tatham and Mrs. G Tatham.
Mrs. Peale returned from Germantown at noon found her friends all well there, and had a pleasant visit. After tea Charles & I went to see James Peale and there met his sons, Howard, Harry, James, and their wives, they were all glad to see me